Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The means by which statism has become our national theology

Statism: the principle or policy of concentrating extensive economic, political, and related controls in the state at the cost of individual liberty.

I hope you will take the five minutes to watch this video. It is the most impactful one I have ever seen.

This video was made in 1984. It shows a former KGB agent disgussing how America will be completely taken over with Soviet/Socialist policies from within. He says the process of 'demoraliztion' is complete and irreversible.


It wasn't called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for nothing! If you're not frightened by this, perhaps you don't remember history or don't have a grasp of what it was truly like for those living under the Soviet rule.

PS - Please view the other videos in this series, the former KGB man explains how he taught college kids to agitate against America in the 1960's in order to further an anti-American/pro-Socialist agenda - www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHgYPDvQFU8&feature=player_embedded

If you are at all doubtful about these claims here is corroboration: Venona Project

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