Friday, April 03, 2009

NO WE CAN'T: Barack Obama FAILS to win Nato troops he wants for Afghanistan!

Way to go, Mr. Charm. (Hey, maybe it's time for some BOTOX!!!)
Barack Obama made an impassioned plea to America’s allies to send more troops to Afghanistan, warning that failure to do so would leave Europe vulnerable to more terrorist atrocities.

But though he continued to dazzle Europeans on his debut international tour, the Continent’s leaders turned their backs on the US President.
Read the whole disgusting thing.

1 comment:

~~Robert said...

So, the Obamaranian is learning what it is to "go it alone."

> “Europe should not simply expect the United States to shoulder that burden alone,” he said. “This is a joint problem it requires a joint effort.”

Perhaps his ear-to-ear bleached tooth grin just does not overwhelm our "allies," to the degree necessary to negate his undiplomatic scolding of them. As the new kid on the block, albeit from the most powerful family, he has not learned to forge some friendships and alliances, and blend in a bit, before demanding of his peers, and then chastising their lack of cooperation.

Next time, he will meet even more resistance, if that is possible. The boy president has a lot to learn about being an executive; but, in some ways, we should be grateful for his lack of success--and for his demonstration that it is a lot easier to shoot your mouth off, than to make things happen.

As it turned out, Carla Bruni typified "Old" Europe's reaction to the rock star: Courtesy and adherence to protocol, but no real affection for the upstart.
