Friday, June 05, 2009

Obama Presidential Eligibility - An Introductory Primer

This Primer introduces and explains the Obama Eligibility Controversy, in question-and-answer format, for a non-technical general audience. We've double-checked the facts presented here, and we've cited the sources of each fact.
Last revised: June 5, 2009
And the source for this primer has a lot more information:
With President Barack Hussein Obama’s eligibility to hold office formally unresolved, and with plenty of intentional (or not) opposition mis/dis-information being bandied across the blogosphere, it’s time to bring some notable information together in one posting to help any casual observer answer the following questions:

1. What, exactly, is this eligibility thing all about?
2. Why is it important that this issue be seriously considered and not simply flippantly dismissed?

I have brought together exceptional analysis from a handful of sources to cover everything you need to know about this issue (the opposition would similarly do well to take heed of the following): Obama’s Presidential Eligibility: What You Need to Know

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