Sunday, March 08, 2009

Private investigators find 100s of address/names/positions not on Obamas taxes!

February 27, 2009

To: Attorney General Eric Holder

Open letter, demand for investigation and immediate action in regards to following suspected crimes: cyberspace crimes; impersonation of a military officer; identity theft of U.S. Army Officer Scott Easterling; libel; defamation of character; intimidation; harassment; interference with judicial proceedings; breaking into the computer system of the Supreme court of the United States; voter fraud; using cyberspace for voter fraud; fraud; forgery; and other related crimes

Summary of the complaint

[this is only the very last part of the complaint]

When around the same time one gets her case erased from the docket of the Supreme Court and Wikipedia, a tire blows out on her car, and a link with a sign in Arabic about somebody's hanging appears, one begins to feel threatened. I believe all of the occurrences have to do with my investigation not only in the area of Obama/Soetoro's ineligibility for the Presidency, but also in the financial dealings of Barack and Michelle Obama. Please see attached a list of over a 100 addresses for Barack Obama and a 100 business addresses for Michelle Obama. These are addresses obtained from a private investigator and an intelligence service. Obama/Soetoro's addresses are connected to numerous different social security numbers. Michelle Obama's addresses are from numerous media organizations that show her being employed by many major media outlets, including CBS and CNN, and some peculiar ones, such as Gay News, Muslim World Today in CA, and even the FCC. These financial dealings have to be investigated immediately, since most main stream media outlets refused to provide any honest account of Obama/Soetoro's lack of eligibility for presidency.

As a private citizen I cannot complete this investigation. However you, as the Attorney General, together with FBI, the IRS, the Secret Service, and local law enforcement, can, and have an obligation to, complete it. I would be willing to complete this investigation, if you are willing to grant me a status of a relator-special prosecutor. None of these 130 positions listed for Michelle and Barry or Barack H. Obama were listed on their disclosed tax returns. There has to be a corresponding search for each and every employer that is listed. If those were salaried positions, then there is a massive tax fraud. And if those were campaign contributions over the allowed limits, then there is massive campaign contributions fraud, especially in light of over $300 million in contributions that are unaccounted for. Which is it? What social security numbers were used? As you have stated in your speech on Martin Luther King Day, Americans should not be `cowards', particularly when matters of race are concerned. I was not a coward and prepared this large dossier, so I hope you will not be a coward and instead order an expeditious completion of this investigation and its subsequent prosecution.

Dr. Orly Taitz

The full letter is here:

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