Thursday, March 05, 2009

It's not you it's me

UPDATE (NOW IT'S TWO FROM TREASURY!) - Two candidates who'd been expected to take top positions at the Treasury Department are no longer being considered: Annette Nazareth, who'd been expected to be named as deputy Treasury secretary, and Caroline Atkinson, who been expected to be named as undersecretary for international affairs.

Citing personal reasons, two prospective Obama administration candidates have bowed out! This time, it's not taxes! (Hey, maybe the other guys, except for Timmy, just used the tax thing to get out of working with the Messiah).
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The person Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner wanted as his chief deputy withdrew from consideration Thursday, dealing a setback to the agency as it struggles to address the worst financial crisis in decades.

Annette Nazareth, a former senior staffer and commissioner with the Securities and Exchange Commission, made "a personal decision" to withdraw from the process, according to a person familiar with her decision.
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(CNN) -- Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN's chief medical correspondent, has withdrawn his name from consideration as surgeon general of the United States, an administration official said Thursday.

"Sanjay Gupta was under serious consideration for the job of surgeon general," the official said in an e-mail. "He has removed himself from consideration to focus more on his medical career and his family. We know he will continue to serve and educate the public through his work with media and in the medical arena."

Sources said in January that Gupta met then-President-elect Obama in Chicago, Illinois, in November to discuss the post. Gupta has declined comment.
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