Monday, October 23, 2006

There's one last thing to try (in Iraq)

Fareed Zakaria, editor of Newsweek International since October 2000, reaches an audience of over 25 million's his idea to save Iraq:

There is one last thing to try: privately but forcefully threaten a reduction of U.S. support for the current government. Nothing else—not the promise of aid, arm-twisting by the American ambassador, phone calls from President Bush—seems to have worked. It could be an honest conversation that explains to Iraq's governing coalition that American support cannot be unconditional. Without the American military, this Iraqi government would likely fall, and many of its members' lives might be in danger. Perhaps that will focus their minds.

Of course, there is a good chance that even this won't work. At that point—a few months from now—we will have to be willing to follow through on the threat. That does not mean a complete withdrawal. But American forces should be reduced and repositioned so as to create a much smaller, less active, less ambitious and, one hopes, more sustainable American presence in Iraq.

Now, it's entirely possible that there is more than one thing left to try. I just hope someone, somewhere figures out what it is really soon.

I want Iraq to be successful in achieving a free and peaceful society, do you?

Unfortuneately, there are people who hate President Bush so much that they would actually rather see Iraq descend into chaos than be a successful society just so they wouldn't have to give the President any credit or see him get a place in history for this achievement.

That is sick and really twisted.

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