Friday, October 27, 2006

Paglia predicts war!

I'm not a Bush hater. I've always viewed him as a decent fellow who was pushed into the presidency because he was his father's son. But he's been out of his depth in foreign affairs from the start. He certainly lacks the basic verbal skills for the presidency -- reading speeches authored by others is no substitute. But I've become concerned about Bush's mental state in the past few months. Sometimes in his press conferences or prepared statements (which I listened to on the radio), I heard a sort of Nixonian tension and hysteria. His vocal patterns were over-intense and his inflections impatient, lurching and sarcastic. There was this seething quality to his speech that worried me and that seemed to signal that something major is being planned -- perhaps another military incursion.
To summarize:
  • Nixonian tension and hysteria
  • Over-intense vocal patterns
  • Impatient inflections
  • Lurching inflections
  • Sarcastic inflections
  • Seething quality of speech
All signals that "something major is being planned -- perhaps another military incursion"!!!

I'll bet you can't wait to read more: Salon Interview: Camille Paglia

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