Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Why signing the Copenhagen Treaty will be a prosecutable act of Treason

Wonder why John Griffing at American Thinker says: "President Obama will be committing treason by signing this [Copenhagen] treaty"? Read the whole thing to understand completely, but here's a sample:
President Obama has pledged to sign the Copenhagen Treaty, the biggest transfer of American wealth and sovereignty in U.S. history.

Few have bothered to read the agreement, which like so many other damaging agreements is excessively verbose. It calls for climate reparations to third-world countries -- what the treaty calls "adaptation debt." This isn't optional. Clause 33 on page 39 of the agreement says that "by 2020 the scale of financial flows to support adaptation in developing countries must be [at least $67 billion] or [in the range of $70 billion to $140 billion per year]." And unlike previous climate agreements, Copenhagen empowers a new U.N. council to compel rich nations to comply with this theft of resources World government will be a reality if this agreement is ratified...World government will be a reality if this agreement is ratified.
And here is what more and more of us fear will become a reality:
Once America is gone, it will be gone forever. Nations will benefit most from the continuing existence of a strong America. Killing the golden goose will not bring balance to the universe. Plundering American wealth will provide only a temporary shot in the arm for poor nations -- and then the drug will wear off, ushering in a new dark age on a global scale.

Right now, President Obama is the most powerful person in the most powerful country on earth. Obama may not have noticed, but we already have world government, and America is king.

Just like with the man who sells his soul for power, the Devil never delivers as promised. He's the Devil. And paradoxically, for the world to destroy America, it needs America's wealth and resources.

Whatever President Obama has been promised will evaporate the moment America loses the privilege of the last word. President Obama will be committing treason by signing this treaty, and he must be held accountable. The American Revolution was fought over this very issue: taxation without representation.

Watermelon Marxists

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