Friday, December 01, 2006

If love is all you need, then why did the Beatles break up?

Think about it.

If they were not--how do you say it properly--in love, practising love, having love, being love or whatever the heck they meant when they wrote that song "All You Need Is Love"...

...then that just makes them a bunch of those icky type people who always tell you what to do, but they never do whatever-it-is these people:


They WERE in love, practising love, having love, being love or whatever the heck they meant when they wrote that song "All You Need Is Love"...BUT IT DIDN'T WORK and that makes them a gaggle of puff people as far as serious philosophers go, albeit really great musician/songwriters.

Now, if you are going to devote any amount of time to activities supported and/or generated by any one of the various Hollywood Halfwits from the '60's or other brilliant peace and love types like The Whole World Is Saying No War! [except the terrorists] or Violent Protesters Disrupt Tancredo Event At Michigan State University [oxymorons], don't you think you'd want a at least a little evidence that "Love Is All You Need" before marching your ass into the neighborhood (think Dearborn) al-Qaida hangout?
It’s no coincidence that the left-social democrats and the neo-Stalinists of the International Action Center/A.N.S.W.E.R. group are hostile – each for their own reasons – to libertarianism. – Justin Raimondo

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