Thursday, September 02, 2010

Think of one thing you feel called to do that you have hesitated to begin...

...Pray about whether God is telling you to wait or you are holding back because you are afraid of failing.


Remember Glen Beck's warning that socialists (in the spirit of James Cone and Black Liberation Theology) have infiltrated our churches here in the United States?

Well, I believe I have stumbled upon another twist in this story. I subscribe to "Daily Inspirations" (thought I could jump start my "someday I'll start reading the Bible everyday again" aspirations).

I occasionally quote from these because some of them are, well, inspirational!

But, here is a prominent ad that I saw when I was linking to the author of the above quote (and I debated deleting this post or not including the link)'s a promo for a new book called "Radical":

Wess Stafford, president and CEO, Compassion Intl.
David challenges Christians to wake up, trade in false values rooted in the American dream, and embrace the notion that each of us is blessed by God for a global purpose

The warning signs are definitely the use of "false values rooted in the American dream" and "global purpose"!

Here is how WidiPedia (currently) describes the "American Dream":
The American Dream, sometimes in the phrase "Chasing the American Dream," is a national ethos of the United States in which freedom includes a promise of prosperity and success...

First of all, there are scriptures to support that God wants to prosper us in all areas of our life.

And there is much Bible Evidence For Prosperity

But here is the crux: We all know that it is the left wing of the Democratic Party who bashes America (led by Mr. Obama) at every chance they get. The author of "Radical" has chosen to focus on a slogan instead of on our constitution, and I believe that serves as a segue for him to try to further alienate people from their true heritage.

We need to separate phrases like "The American Dream", not to mention the one that seems to do nothing but irritate everyone above the age of Medicare -- "The Golden Years", from the actual fundamentals of our country, our Founding Fathers, and the reality of our individual freedom vs. totalitarian/communist/socialist countries and their true oppressive history. The "American Dream" may symbolize the freedom and prosperity many of us came to expect over the years, but in and of itself it is still a kind of slogan which has often been used in marketing goods and services. But the fact that our country offers freedom, prosperity, individual liberty and all the blessings we have had, is not a problem in Christian theology. It is only a problem for author David Platt, Mr. Stafford, and their ilk who try to play on the guilt that some have had (Democrats) for their success and then use it as a wedge to dislodge us all from the roots of freedom.

My opinion is that Wes Stafford and David Platt are, like the author and followers of "The Shack", using the Christian faith to promote their left wing fantasies and surreptitiously trying to co-opt it for use as a tool of the Progressive movement in this country.

Please: Read the review from Mr. Get Real who really digs into the whole issue.

Kudos to Glenn Beck for making this a public matter of discussion because the age-old technique of mixing the truth with a lie (or lies) has seduced many a well-meaning person into, by increments, going down the road to serfdom.

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