Saturday, March 24, 2007

Christians Joining in Religious Bigotry

Christians have been complaining for years about the attacks coming our way and rightly so. There is no doubt that while our country has moved toward “tolerance” for every “group” or “individual minority” on the planet, Christians have been fair game for the politically correct. And the attacks have been coming fast and furious.

What really bothers me is that now Christians are joining in the attacks on religion. I’m talking about the Christian’s “intolerance” for the faith of Mitt Romney, Mormon presidential candidate. Who would have thought that Christians, fundamentalists who believe that God is almighty and Jesus is the center of our life, would be questioning someone’s faith who espouses that very philosophy?

Disclaimer, I am not a Mormon nor am I endorsing Mitt Romney. I am simply saying that when someone steps forward and proclaims his faith in Jesus Christ and “walks the walk” as well as “talks the talk,” he deserves our respect.

The mainstream media and the secularists are just loving it. They have us doing their job for them. They will bear any burden, pay any price, climb any mountain, etc. to prevent religious people from gaining power. Example, George Bush proclaimed his faith and they are still sulking and trying to destroy him. Why would we join in that game?

I am a Christian and a staunch conservative, a person’s faith matters greatly to me. I believe that we can’t separate our public and private life. We are what we are and character does matter. Having said that, I would prefer a conservative secularist to a liberal Christian.

I haven’t seen a poll, but I would venture to bet that if you asked folks if Hillary Clinton’s gender should be a factor in the presidential race the answer would be a resounding no. If you asked if Barack Obama’s race should be a factor you would probably get an outraged “no”.

Why is it okay then to accept the fact that one’s faith should be a disqualifier for public office? The answer is “because the mainstream media and secularists say so.” We have certainly seen no righteous indignation from the MSM regarding the attacks on faith as we would if it were race or gender. Uh, excuse me, it depends on which race and what gender.

Efforts to drive faith-based people out of the public arena have been going on for many years. Faith based arguments are never given the same respect in the MSM that secular progressive arguments receive. The motto seems to be “keep the faith, baby, but keep it to yourself.”

I believe the secular progressives and MSM are promoting this “so called” unrest between evangelical Christians and Mitt Romney. A Mormon is a convenient distraction and another easy target.

Many Christians are standing up eagerly and denouncing the assault against Romney’s faith but sadly there are those who are buying into it. I have spoken with some that have specifically said, “I would never vote for him. He’s a Mormon.”

Isn’t it strange that a candidate, who exemplifies all the traits of an honorable man and has been faithful to his wife and family as well as his faith, would be considered unworthy by some? His faith should not render him unworthy. While there may be many reasons that Romney may not get the vote of the evangelical Christians, I do hope his faith is not one of them.

In my opinion, being Governor of Massachusetts is a much more unflattering statistic. It scares me far more that he was elected in that liberal bastion to the highest office in the state. It also concerns me that he was once pro-choice and is now pro-life.

He claims that he has had a change of heart. He seems sincere and as he is a Christian, we should consider that a good thing.

Barack Obama, liberal Democrat candidate is a member of a “black separatist church.” The church doctrine claims allegiance to the black community, the black family, black work ethic, black leadership who embraces the black value system, etc. Where is the media on this? Sounds like a cult and that surely would be discussed on every news outlet if it were “white separatism”. There would be outrage and deservedly so. Question: If Obama is elected president, will he serve all the people are just the black community? Just asking.

Just goes to show that the media and progressives are not opposed to all people of faith in politics. Only those with conservative Christian philosophy. Let’s not join them.

The Conservative Voice March 22, 2007 02:26 PM EST

Joyce Krawiec is a freelance writer and political activist in Kernersville, N.C. Her articles have appeared in the Greensboro News and Record, Charlotte Observer, Kernersville News and various other publications.

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