Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Aaron Sorkin talks too fast!

Tim Goodman at the San Francisco Chronicle says that "Aaron Sorkin makes dazzling comeback calling on 'West Wing'-like sophistication"

I don't agree (but then, I'm not from San Francisco--in fact, I've always disliked San Franciso even when I felt guilty about that fact--plus, I'm not important: although I did work at Universal Studios for 16 years, so I'm not a complete rube).

First of all, I don't get the "West Wing" connection at all (except that, of course, Aaron Sorkin wrote both shows).

Secondly, I just didn't like it!

I learned that it's my gut reaction that counts. I know some people that say "Desperate Housewives" glorifies the wrong values, etc. etc. but all I know is that I really like it.

Yes, that could change. I stopped liking (and watching) "Boston Legal" because it just became a huge liberal lecture forum...c'mon, how can intelligent people (supposedly) mix up their genres?

Anyway, as far as "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" is concerned I just don't buy Amanda Peet as it's newly hired entertainment president. NOT because she's young (as Tim Goodman's preemptive comment accuses) and NOT because she's beautiful (Linda Obst made us all painfully aware of these realities) but simply because I DIDN'T BELIEVE HER! (I'm guessing it's the personality type she chose, as an actress, to present.)

I like Matthew Perry, but I wonder why Sorkin chose to belabor (beat us over the head actually) his private, painful, personal struggle with Vicodin (remember how much weight he lost on "Friends"?) in the opening episode...

Although I still remember recoiling in horror while reading Betty Friedan's recounting of the mad housewife's naked run down the street when her "Feminie Mystique" first came out, I just never got into watching men acting stupid around women.

But one thing I do know: no one talks as fast as Aaron Sorkin's characters do (and actually this IS the one common thread between the two shows) unless they are, as Sorkin has intimated in the past, on cocaine (I mean the new liquid entertainment being advertised on the telly of course).

And, if I'm wrong, and everyone loves this show, well...nothing at all will happen to me since Sorkin is only, probably, a Liberal and NOT a Muslim!

If, however, you see my head rollin' down the street, then you'll know I was wrong.

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