November 25, 2020 8:51 PM
November 25, 2020 8:51 PM
More Salem than Thanksgiving
"Today, we are strangling American society in order to avoid a risk of death so infinitesimal — roughly 0.001 percent — for the majority of Americans that it would not have registered in any possible cost-benefit analysis governing both notable American endeavors and quotidian activities over the last four centuries. . ."
Rudy Giuliani and other lawyers representing President Donald Trump’s campaign outlined their case Thursday that the Nov. 3 presidential election was so deeply flawed in several key states that the results should be overturned in the president’s favor.
Here are the key allegations the lawyers presented:
1. Observers were allegedly prevented from watching mail-in ballots being opened.
2. Allegedly unequal application of the law in Democratic counties.
3. Voters allegedly arrived at the polls to discover other people had voted for them.
4. Election officials were allegedly told not to look for defects in ballots, and to backdate ballots.
5. Ballots casting votes for Joe Biden and no other candidates were allegedly run several times through machines.
6. Absentee ballots were accepted in Wisconsin without being applied for first.
7. There were allegedly “overvotes,” with some precincts allegedly recording more voters than residents, among other problems.
8. Voting machines and software are allegedly owned by companies with ties to the Venezuelan regime and to left-wing donor George Soros.
9. The Constitution provides a process for electing a president if the vote is corrupted.
"Why is COVID-19 so important politically? This discussion thread explains why…"
Georgia election official: Machine glitch caused by last-minute vendor upload
There is a lot there, and I won’t try to unpack it all. Just two comments: First, I might have missed an error of some kind, but as I listened to Trump it seemed to me that everything he said was true.
Second, I agree with the president that pollsters deliberately reported bad results for most of this campaign cycle. Because of everything that has come to light in the last four years, I am much more cynical now than I was in 2016. Then, I assumed bad polling represented innocent errors. Now, I think that most pollsters, especially those associated with liberal media organizations like ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and so on, deliberately reported absurd results in order to encourage Democratic Party fundraising, depress Republican fundraising, and demoralize Republican voters. Then in the last days before the election, when their goals had been more or less achieved, they released more realistic polls (albeit still wrong in most cases) and said Trump is catching up! I think the whole thing is deliberately engineered BS, and I am glad to hear Trump say it.
Everything is turning and all the on-the-ground activity is for Trump...polls are shifting in his direction.
Patriots all over our nation are praying for him to lead our country because, unlike the Democrats, he believes in individual freedom and in our Founding Fathers.
"You're looking at me as though I'm weird. My god! Are you so out of touch with most of America, most of which believes in the devil? I mean, Jesus Christ believed in the devil! It's in the Gospels! You travel in circles that are so, so removed from mainstream America that you are appalled that anybody would believe in the devil! Most of mankind has believed in the devil, for all of history. Many more intelligent people than you or me have believed in the devil."
SOURCE: NY Mag (page 4):
I followed the case at the time. What most ignored was the easiest to prove... His father admittedly was never a US citizen. He was a British subject at his BHO's birth.
— MAPennell (@ma_pennell) March 14, 2022
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EXCLUSIVE THE LIES: [From: “A Time for Truth: Reigniting the Promise of America ” – June 30, 2015 by Ted Cruz] Ted Cruz said ...