Wednesday, July 14, 2021


Excerpt from TheGatewayPundit, July 13, 2021

Climate change mysticism has its roots in the Marxist counter-revolution of the late 1960s. The Gaia cult leader was Ira Einhorn, instrumental in creating and launching Earth Day in 1970. He was the master of ceremonies at the first rally televised globally. Corporations burnished their public image by tithing Einhorn with public speaking and consulting fees. In 1977, Einhorn bludgeoned his girlfriend to death and composted the body in a trunk stored in his bedroom closet. Einhorn is an allegory for the climate change movement, the personification of nature, and callousness towards humanity.

Despite 50 years of failed apocalyptic forecasts of man-made climate change, fear-mongering has been amplified, promoting a 2030 extinction event. Consuming the climate change dogma is like a street psychotropic drug that alters perception.

Doomsday prophecy issued by dishonest politicians, corporate titans, and celebrities cast themselves as saviors and proclaim they are folks of reason and science, not delusional psychopaths. The unreliable green energy (mega-expensive hydrocarbon derivative) solution to reduce carbon dioxide will cost trillions of tax-payer dollars and will be a grift for the elites.

The true believers demand an inquisition of climate change deniers they consider heretics. Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, with the support of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, proposed using RICO to target climate skeptics. The crowd’s favorite pseudo scientist Bill Nye, PBS’s “Science Guy,” has called for jail time for climate change deniers. The United Nations has piled on by demanding justice for climate crimes. These Salem witch trials have unfinished business.


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