Monday, September 13, 2010

When goverment becomes god

"Congress' deity syndrome didn't happen overnight, and the media has certainly played a part in bolstering Washington's narcissism. Newsweek editor Evan Thomas even said Obama is 'sort of God.' But many American citizens have also contributed to the creation of the Washington god complex, by asking government for too much. When this country was founded, citizens largely looked to God, their families, or themselves for help or comfort. Now, many Americans have stopped looking towards the traditional resources, and instead look more and more to government. Thereby, in a mutually dysfunctional relationship, government becomes their god. When they are without money, they cry out to the government to take care of them. If there is a problem in areas like the public school system or health care, they look to the government for the answer. They expect the government to fix all areas of life that pose some discomfort. No matter what ails them, government is the cure. When citizens endlessly extend their hands to the government to bestow blessings and riches upon them, a government god complex is inevitable. If citizens continually look to our representatives for salvation, representatives start believing they are our saviors. For our messianic leaders, the sense of entitlement and lack of accountability that go along with omnipotence is endless. ... With their all-knowing divinity, they think they know what's good for us when we don't."
Washington’s Self-Anointed Deities

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