Saturday, May 08, 2010

Very Interesting Email Regarding Oil Rig Explosion

FROM A MEMBER OF MEMESHOCK [a group on Facebook]:

Dear Memeshockers,

Last night I received a very disturbing message in my Inbox from a member of MemeShock who will remain anonymous. It pertains to the recent oil rig explosion off of the coast of Louisiana.

I've included the email below in its entirety minus the person's name.

As a disclaimer I will comment that I am not normally the kind of person to believe this sort of thing, and I'm not going to comment either way on this, but we’ll see for yourself:
Hi Johanan, my name is ********. You probably don't know me but I'm a member of your MemeShock group.

I'm going to tell you something and I'm wondering if you might be able to help me out. My uncle lives in the gulf area and works for Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality.

He said that a few months ago some federal agents, whom he believes may have come from the Justice Department, had come to his place of work and had a series of meetings with his supervisor. He found this a little odd but didn't think anything of it at the time.

Later, on April 19th he got an assignment about an oil spill off the gulf. The only trouble of course was that there wasn't an oil spill until the next day. He had got an assignment about an oil spill that hadn't happened yet!

He put two and two together and tried to contact the local news about it. Of course they laughed him off. However over the course of the next week he received two separate deaths threats from anonymous callers. Since then my uncle's been scared to death to about it, and doesn't want any of the family talking about it. The upshot is that he isn't planning to vote for Obama again!

Seeing Obama's Cap&Trade agenda and his disingenuous proposal to open off shore oil drilling I have a pretty fair idea of what is going on here. Obviously this isn't going to get out through normal channels so I when I heard this I immediately thought of you. I was wondering if you can help me out and maybe like "viral" this along or something. If you do please remove my name. I don't want anyone connecting the dots back to me.

Thank you so very much.
I don't know quite what to say, but I found this rather creepy. I figured I'd pass it along to you.

Well have a nice night guys.

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