Saturday, March 06, 2010

Once Upon A Crime: Open Letter to America

March 5,2010

Open Letter to America

"Once Upon a Crime"

(Tale of a "flawed" birth certificate now threatening our Constitution and Country)

A long time ago, about one and one half years or so, I received an e-mail questioning the authenticity of a Hawaiian birth certificate which Barack Obama had posted on the "Daily Kos" website to silence claims that he might not be eligibile to seek the Presidency of the United States.Was this the "transparency" he promised America? It seemed so until questioners pointed out that his posted document (which I've seen and copied),titled "Certification of Live Birth" (COLB) had the birth certificate number blacked out, contained no birth hospital name, attending physician's name, birth witnesses name,etc. All required information....and all missing! This was "transparency"?

Article II,Section 1 of The Constitution states "no person except a natural-born citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President..." The only Hawaiian document conferring natural-born status was a Certificate of Live Birth, which would have all the above missing information on it. A "Certification of Live Birth" (COLB) only confers, at best, a naturalized citizenship status. Obama, a Constitutional scholar, was obviously aware of this and knew that he could not allow the Hawaiian Dept.of Hospitals original birth certificate to be seen for if it agreed (which he so claimed) with the COLB he had posted on Daily Kos he was thereby ineligible to seek the Presidency; hence, a reason for his spending (to date) an estimated two-million dollars in legal fees to prevent disclosure! Imagine-if it was a true "Certificate of Live Birth" he would have posted it immediately, not substitute a false or limited document in its place, unless he was hiding something incriminating.

Seeking Truth-Are We Asking Too Much?

Copies of my letters which questioned Obama's eligibility went to all on my e-mail list and to those specifically quoted or referred to in those letters. Below, following each quote or reference, are my comments and any response received.

A federal judge, James Robertson (U.S.District Court-Wash.D.C.),throwing out one lawsuit stated Obama's citizenship was "thoroughly vetted and massaged by America's vigilant citizenry during his two year Presidential campaign". Nonsense! In truth, then-Senator Obama had his attorneys block the release of any documents which might have confirmed (or denied) his eligibility. The judge's above statement was completely false since he and the rest of America never had access to these documents. Also, candidates are not vetted by "America's vigilant citizens". The Constitution spells out the requirements and procedure.

The Judge's response: SILENCE

Bill O'Reilly of Fox News told his national audience that Fox could have easily obtained a copy of Obama's Original birth certificate from the Health Dept. Not true! I wrote to him that this was a completely false statement since the records were sealed from public access. He never retracted this falsehood....never advised his audience that he had misinformed them. Lawyers presently arguing cases on this issue could have enlightened him had he asked. He also refused to explain why Fox never attempted to secure or view a copy of the Original birth certificate. That would have been the obvious action to expect from Fox.

O'Reilly's response: SILENCE--both toward me and, more importantly, toward his viewers and listeners.

Glenn Beck of Fox News said "birthers believe Obama's KGB Control may have put his birth announcement in 1961 Hawaiian newspapers with a roadmap of getting an African man into office." A funny but meaningless comment. I had written him that Hawaii automatically notified newspapers of reported new births and individuals could also place birth announcements. Remember, securing a U.S. naturalized citizenship status for one's baby had many advantages for later on but eligibility to seek the Presidency was not one of them. Beck also considered anyone questioning Obama's eligibility as "dumb". Are the plaintiffs and lawyers "dumb"? Are the judges presently hearing legal challenges also "dumb" for so doing? I also advised him that "we are speaking about Presidential eligibility, an issue which our Founders felt important enough to become the second article in our Constitution-not a footnote or suggestion!

Beck's response: SILENCE

The U.S. Supreme Court received copies of all these letters, covering Obama's refusal to allow release of his Hawaiian Hospital certificate of live birth, his 1981 Passport to Pakistan,Occidental College entrance records, his disdain for our Constitutional requirements and for the servicemen and women who risked their careers through lawsuits which simply asked Obama to confirm his eligibility. So serious is this issue that I sent five copies of each relevant letter to each of the nine members of the Court-forty five copies in all.

The Court's response: SILENCE-not one member even acknowledged receipt of my letters. How sad....earlier I had asked "If the Supreme Court ignores this issue what need have we for a Supreme Court?" Has their silence answered that question?

Halt: Who Goes There?

If the above-challenge was given by sentries to the three million members of the U.S.Military worldwide and required a true original birth certificate be produced, only one person, I repeat, one person would refuse to produce it, as he has refused every previous request....Barack Obama, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. How can anyone fail to realize the implication of such a refusal?


REFLECTION: Obama knowingly posted a limited or a false COLB on a website, claiming that the Hospital copy matched his. If so, that would have made both documents COLB'S and Obama a "naturalized" citizen at best. Once challenged, however, he realized the implication and immediately refused any access(to date) to the Hospital copy. Why? If it was a true "Certificate of Live Birth" at worse it would make his initial claim of being identical to his copy false but it would not make him ineligible for the Office. If,however, it was not a "Certificate of Live Birth"....need I continue?

REFLECTION: Whenever Obama's attorneys appeared in court to defend him they never once offered a Certificate of Live Birth to prove his eligibility, instead claiming Plaintiff's or Courts had no "standing" on the issue. Would they use this defense if Iran agreed to discuss nuclear disarmament with Obama but insisted that he first provide a valid "Certificate of Live Birth" to confirm his right to speak for our divided Nation?

REFLECTION: When an active, decorated Army Officer went to court, refusing transfer to Afghanistan until Obama produced a valid "Certificate of Live Birth" to silence the many lawsuits challenging his eligibility, the officer risked a military trial and possible imprisonment yet Obama, rather than resolving this issue, sent lawyers to court to prevent disclosure of his Birth Certificate. Think about it-any document which could and should corroborate his eligibility he keeps hidden from view! Do we really need the proverbial house to fall upon us?

REFLECTION: Just the other day Fox News called itself "the most trusted name in News." May viewers and listeners ask Fox why it hasn't reported on any of the previous or current eligibility lawsuits. Ignoring all mention of them is truly "unfair and unbalanced", especially for a News Organization. Incidentally, the rest of the News Media is so quiet on this issue they make a "silent" movie film seem deafening by comparison.

REFLECTION: Millions are clamoring for Obama to produce a valid Certificate of Live Birth yet, at a recent meeting he asked that people stop asking for it. What a pathetic response to a burning issue.

REFLECTION: Obama has never, I repeat, never been "vetted". Remember, the birth certificate which he put on a website was not a Certificate of Live Birth and was obviously a deliberate deception on his part since he knew it would not justify his eligibility.

REFLECTION: The passport used by him to enter war-ridden Pakistan in 1981 was not a U.S.passport since U.S.passports were not issued in 1981 to regular American citizens. Also, his school and medical records,etc.were all blocked by him from public access.

REFLECTION: Who would spend over 2 million dollars in legal fees rather than simply produce a legitimate Certificate of Live Birth when seeking the office of President, unless the Certificate would confirm not his eligibility but his ineligibility?

REFLECTION: The U.S.Senate "vetted"John McCain yet later refused to "vet" Barack Obama when requested to by Republicans.

REFLECTION: Some argue that if the lawsuits presently in various courts force Obama to release documents confirming that he is not a "natural-born" American citizen there will be riots in the streets if he is removed from Office. Why, I ask, if he obtained the Office unlawfully by deception or fraud, should he be re-warded with the prize he unlawfully sought? Are Truth and Honesty no longer desired attributes in a candidate? In 1973 some members of the Supreme Court voted to permit the killing of innocent children in the womb while other members today are more concerned about riots in the streets. How ironic-the first group didn't fear God's anger while the second group fears Man's!

REFLECTION: If the withheld documents would truly confirm Obama's eligibility, as his supporters contend, why won't any member of the Democratic Party suggest their release to the public? The answer is obvious.

REFLECTION: When Obama defenders claim eligibility arguments are racially motivated consider that Alan Keyes, a black man who is a former presidential candidate, instituted a lawsuit against Obama,charging he is not a "natural-born" citizen. Is Keyes racially motivated-think about it?

REFLECTION: Other issues, such as Obama's possible British, Kenyan or Indonesia citizenship are being addressed by many others, adding to this list against someone who has given a new meaning to the word 'TRANSPARENCY'.


I have been writing for 18 years regarding Catholic teaching. A few people have inquired if I have gone "political" recently by writing about Obama's eligibility. As I responded to them I now respond to present readers.

My "eligibility" writing is driven by our Constitution for without it we will invite anarchy. Until Obama satisfactorily addresses all the unanswered issues his legitimacy cannot be blindly presumed.

With respect to all, I remain

Yours in Truth,

CC: Everyone I could think of

PS: Anyone wishing free copies of previous letters may contact me at bquinn @


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