Thursday, December 10, 2009

Welcome to the Washington (D.C.) Two-Step!

Or should I say: Bait and Switch. Or, perhaps, it's a Shell Game. Oh, Hell, let's just call them all Grifters!
House Democrats keep stepping on President Obama's applause lines about innovation and job creation. On Tuesday, Mr. Obama announced that "we're proposing a complete elimination of capital gains taxes on small business investment" for one year.

Responding with rare dispatch, the House voted yesterday to change the capital gains rate for venture capitalists who invest in technology start-ups. But rather than eliminating the tax, the House more than doubled it, moving the tax rate to 35% from 15% by reclassifying such gains as ordinary income...

Knowing how popular tax increases are with unemployment at 10%, the House majority rushed the bill to the floor without a hearing or even a committee vote. Then they buried it in a package advertised as an extension of tax cuts for research and development.
Zero to 35 in 24 Hours

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