Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Who's in charge of the nuthouse?

Cultural & Political Correctness; Are these people insane?

By KennethSchustereit in KennethSchustereit The Old Bolillo!
October 14, 2007

New York City is observing a Muslim celebration! Are these people nuts? Who's in charge of that nuthouse! Islam teaches that if the infidel does not convert it's OK to kill him! What a religion!

After 9/11 some school teachers insisted that their classes declare a jihad and write about who they declared it against!

And now I see that NYC has finally cracked down on the real criminals! The parents of a five year old child will be fined for allowing her to write on the steps of their home with sidewalk chalk!

Once again! Who's in charge of that nuthouse?
Wow. Only a coupla short years ago...Guess what, folks? Methinks the fox is now guarding the henhouse!

Original post from October 14, 2007

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