Tuesday, August 18, 2009

2:01 PM Eastern on Wednesday August 19th: a moment of silence

Please join us at 2:01 PM Eastern time on Wednesday August 19, 2009 for one moment of silence as we bow our heads across the nation from the eastern most shores of Maine, to the western most island in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska to Nature’s God as we again ask for the protection of Divine Providence.

August 19th is an important date in American history it is the day we fought the final battle of the Revolutionary War, the Battle of Blue Licks, and it is the day that the grande dame of our Navy, the USS Constitution (how much more fitting can that be for those of us that swore allegiance to her namesake) scored our first victory of the second war of independence, the War of 1812, against the British ship the HMS Guerriere and earned her immortal nickname “old ironsides” as the British cannon balls bounced off her hull. The dark side of this day occurred 75 years ago in Germany when the position of the Führer was created by the simple majority of a democratic vote.

At the appointed hour on the August 19, 2009 let us take courage from the deeds of our history and resolve never to allow the dark passions of a desperate world to stain our national soul by believing that any one man or group of men are above the Constitution that empowers them. Let us move forward in our sworn duty, “with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,” to guard our Constitution and our Republic from all enemies both foreign and domestic.

Hat Tip: TheRightSideOfLife.com

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