Tuesday, August 18, 2009

$100,000 Reward for Proof of Obama's "natural born citizen" status

(Born in USA still might not qualify)

Silver Stock Report
by Jason Hommel, July 28th, 2009

Copies or links to the previously released, Hawaiian "Certification of Live Birth", which is NOT a valid Birth Certificate, does not constitute valid proof to claim the reward.

I, Jason Hommel, promise that I will give $100,000 to the first person who can prove to my satisfaction that Barack Obama, acting as president of the United States, is a "natural born" citizen of the USA, which is a qualification to hold the office as indicated in the U.S. Constitution.

Please prove that Obama is a "natural born" US citizen, and put to rest the claims in lawsuits, as wnd.com reports, "that include contentions Obama was born in Kenya, wasn't a "natural born" citizen because of his father's Kenyan citizenship, was a dual citizen and that his mother wasn't old enough to transmit citizenship at birth. In addition, his citizenship is clouded by his move as a child to Indonesia and apparent adoption by an Indonesian citizen who married his mother."
Read more

Hat Tip: TheRightSideOfLife.com

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