Wednesday, August 19, 2009

there are too many conservative bloggers and pundits who have rushed in not simply to bury Novak, but to honor him as a role model and a guiding light

There would ordinarily be no reason to pen a condemnation of a dead pundit. But there are too many conservative bloggers and pundits who have rushed in not simply to bury Novak, but to honor him as a role model and a guiding light. And the only place Novak was a guide to, was to a Dhimmi's den of appeasement.

It would be entirely legitimate had they remembered Novak's memory, while admitting that there were basic political differences, especially later in life. Instead they've chosen to present Novak as an ideal, while ignoring the man who embraced everyone from Farrakhan to Hamas, who championed Shamnesty and slimed numerous Republican politicians when they departed from his agenda.

Novak played the same cynical game played by numerous Washington Post and New York Times columnists, of putting his own ideas into someone else's cherry picked quote, of hiding behind rationalizations and statements attributed to private sources. But behind all that was a man who chose to defend Islam and Islamic terrorism. And post 9/11, it is impossible to place such a man on a pedestal as a role model for conservatives...
Robert Novak, Islamic Apologist, Terrorist Supporter, Was No Role Model for Conservatives

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