Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The Government Won’t Let You Succeed

by Vladimir Val Cymbal
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A man I know lost his job due to outsourcing. After a long time of not being able to find a new job he decided to cash in his retirement and go into business. Seeing that governments are pushing echo friendly enterprises he decided not to fight the trend and engage in some form of a business that won’t get caught up in government restrictions.

He first thought about starting an organic farm, growing organic vegetables, fruits, and raising range chickens. So he started looking for some farm land. He found plenty for sales but when he inspected the properties they were just dried up barren land. So he enquired as to what it would take to irrigate it. He found out that only an act of God could do that. The government won’t let him have the water he needs because it appears that a non-indigenous fish is more important then providing organic food for people, frustrating.

Ok, so he decided to go into the power business and build a wind farm. He put together a business plan with lots of wind mills generating electricity. He went and got a bunch of permits and applied for a loan. After running all over the state getting permits and a loan promise from the bank the EPA turned him down. Why, because the blades of the wind mills might get in the way of various birds and even kill them.

Ok, determined to go into some kind of a business he decide to manufacture solar panels and even maybe set up a field of solar panels generating electricity. After much investigation and planning he ran into another brick wall put up by the government. To make solar panels you need silicone. Well the EPA doesn’t want silicone manufactured in the USA. He found out that most (if not all) solar panels will be manufactured in China and India.

Is our government as stupid as human waste or are they determined to reduce America to third world nation? These are the only two alternatives. Our economy is being pummeled by OPC and the government says we are too dependent on foreign oil. At the same time our government won’t let us drill domestic sources (of which we have plenty) for oil and natural gas. On top of that our government puts up obstacles to generate our energy needs in other ways. Our government just does not want the people to be prosperous. We can’t produce the energy we need nor grow the crops to feed us even when we try to go along with all government’s mandates.

Our government is determined to rob us of all our own initiative and ability of self reliance. If we the people allow this to continue we will be totally dependent a totalitarian government. We will be in a huge concentration camp doing the biding of big brother. The only thing we citizens can do is to replace the scoundrels running this country with those who will take the roll of governing for the people and not against them. We all need to get more involved in vetting possible candidates and then making sure the right people get elected.

© 2009 with all rights reserved by Vladimir Val Cymbal

The Government Won't Let You Succeed

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