Sunday, May 03, 2009

OMG! Like, before he was 30, Obama was a law review editor! ZOMG-OMG!!1!

"Besotted nitwits" (liberals), please open your eyes before you walk off a cliff somewhere ( already have)...OMG: a part-time non-tenure track lecturer who taught seminar classes in the basement at Chicago Law School, and who allowed his own law license to become inactive in 2002 (but who nevertheless continued to permit his part-time law firm to hold him out to the public as "of counsel" until 2004), is now going to pick the next member of the SCOTUS.

1 comment:

~~Robert said...

Megyn Marie Kelly would, I think, make a much more rational president than the Obamaranian.

Unlike most of the histrionic performers on news channels, Kelly thinks logically, speaks coherently, and appeals to people of intelligence. Her comments on the law strongly suggest she views the Constitution with respect, and evaluates legal issues logically, without emotional coloring.