Friday, April 03, 2009

Europeans told President Barack H. Obama that they have no intention of helping him to stimulate the world economy

Little to hail from President's first economic summit

By Irwin M. Stelzer
Examiner Columnist | 4/3/09 7:37 AM

(London) - It is 60 years to the day since President Harry S. Truman signed the Marshall Plan into law to give much needed aid to a prostrate Europe.
It is one day since the Europeans told President Barack H. Obama that they have no intention of helping him to stimulate the world economy.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, presiding over an economy that was sed by America 60 years ago, and that has been supported by American consumers ever since, wouldn’t play.

Neither would French President Nikolas Sarkozy, whose nation’s memory of the liberation of the Paris they so easily surrendered has, er, dimmed with time...

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