Friday, April 03, 2009

The Daily Beast's guide to who came out on top at the G-20

By the end of their London summit, G-20 leaders had settled on a $1 trillion global stimulus, and influential people the world around are couldn’t be happier—and sadder, and angrier, and every emotion in between. Our guide to who came out on top at the G-20 and the good, bad, and ugly details everyone’s obsessing over.
A sampling:
Financial Times: Summit Success Reflects a Different Global Landscape
They gave it to us straight.

“The London summit was not, after all, a flop,” begins the wrap-up from Financial Times editor Philip Stephens. He goes on to offer a cautious thumbs up, arguing that the G-20 represents a “substantial success,” largely due to “its unspoken recognition of the remaking of the geopolitical landscape.”

The Daily Beast: The Day Obama Fell to Earth
And if you thought the G-20 was lame, just wait for NATO.

President Obama may be lighting up the world stage, but The Daily Beast’s Andrew Neil notes that “the President did not get what, for him, was the original purpose of this G20 summit: a coordinated global fiscal stimulus.”
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