Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The danger of Oprah style politics is that it subverts democracy, and shifts the discussion away from the issues. When the public no longer has access to a debate on the issues, only a media blitz consisting of fluff pieces eagerly promoting one politician, there is no democracy. Only an Oprahocracy.

Obama and his backers have subverted American democracy, and have done their best to replace it with book clubs, magazine covers, and stories claiming that Michelle Obama shops just where ordinary "little people" like you do. And now trying to raid the bank accounts of a country already over 10 trillion in debt, to the tune of another trillion dollars, in order to reward the green corporate donors, political hacks and union goons who supported him-- Obama is robbing America blind, while the coverage continues to be about what cookies Michelle Obama supposedly likes to bake.
Obama Practices Oprah Style Politics

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