Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ahmadinejad is a necrophiliac!

Iran's Ahmadinejad 'ready' to talk with America. But despite their leader's message to Obama, Iranians at Tuesday's 30th anniversary rally continued to chant 'Death to America.'

Hmmmmm...the American Heritage Dictionary includes "Erotic attraction to or sexual contact with corpses" in its definition of "necrophilia."

So...they really, really want to talk. But they want him dead...


Be that as it may, given the ridiculous things that have been going on in Washington in the last several weeks (ha ha) I am also wondering whether Obama was, himself, "Casual" or "Beginner" or "Advanced."

To help you understand what I mean, I am referring to the fact that Obama campaigned on his intentions to meet with Iran, even without preconditions! So...after Iran recently rejected an internationally-arranged meeting with the Obama Administration:
WASHINGTON -- The chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs tried to meet a top aide to Iran's supreme leader in mid-December but was rebuffed at the last minute, a snub that illustrates the challenges to dialogue with Tehran pushed by President Barack Obama.
...we are now left with Iran saying that It Is Open to Talks if U.S. Changes Policy
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that the Islamic republic is willing to negotiate with the U.S., but signaled that talks would be conditioned on a significant change in U.S. policy.

This means that Obama has painted himself into the classic Rookie's Corner (and us with him, so least I went kicking and screaming).

He either has to denounce Israel (i.e. diplomatically indicate that we won't be so one-sided anymore) or he has to give up (after only several weeks as the so-called President of the United States) his promise the 'change' the world (short-change it is what's really going on).

If he screws Israel, you can bet that he is (at best) a Muslim sympathizer and we will see the incrementally brutal changes that this brings to the world (watch FITNA before you open your mouth.)

PS: I ain't seen no dog yet...

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