Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"I’m scared he doesn’t know what he’s doing.”

A surprising story from a pro-Obama Chicago bookstore
Two of the booksellers were talking as they set up for the book signing. Both were gay men of the Emo persuasion, the sort who pop over to Whole Foods for some kale and buffalo mozzerella for lunch, always remembering to bring their Earth-friendly, Gore-approved canvas sacks along with them. These are the exact same kinds of guys we see at Sidetrack, screaming and yelling and cursing the video screens whenever that bar shows anti-Palin video clips, and then in the next breathe, making a 180 from that hate, they lecture about America becoming a more humble and meeker “citizen of the world”. Needless to say, they wash all that kale and mozzerella down with big gulps of the purple Kool-Aid.

But, color us surprised, because these guys were ripping Obama’s Trillion Dollar Jockstrap of Stimulus to SHREDS.

They were more brutal than we are — and we’re some of the cattiest gays you’ll ever meet.

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