Wednesday, February 10, 2021

What REALLY happening in America


If the Strong Hypothesis is correct and this is all a Chinese psyop, there is a way you will be able to be able to tell.  Authoritarian measures will be imposed on the US population (under the guise of stopping something vague like, “extremism”). President* Joe Biden will fill his administration with China-doves, and he will reverse an Executive Order of Trump’s to allow the Chinese to resume building components of our electoral grid. Because of the political discourse being constrained by Big Tech and authoritarian measures, within 10 years there will be prison camps in America built next to hospitals for the purpose of organ-harvesting from dissidents. By that time, Xi Jinping will have a button on his desk: one day he will hit it, the US electrical grid will shut down, and over the course of one year 90% of us will die off and the United States will turn into a farm (which China’s 1.6 billion people will appreciate).

Those will be your signs that the Strong Hypothesis was correct.


We can pull this out if everyone will follow three pieces of advice. . .

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