Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Saturday Night Live's new crew

Last night I sent out a blog on an Initiative that would FINE people who are worth more than $20 million before they could move to another state. My good friend Joel Strom thought this was a Saturday Night Live proposed skit. Others thought the same and did not believe this was a real measure. Sadly, it is. But, I now realize that Democrats like Pelosi love SNL—so much so, they are practicing to become writers for the show. Otherwise how do you account for the fact that Pelosi wants to put an impeached judge (who SHE voted to impeach) in charge of national Security for the House of Representatives? How do you account for Pelosi promoting the ethically challenged John Murtha for Majority Leader, or Charlie Rangel wanting to return our nation to government controlled and run slavery? This is either a joke or they have smelled the weed filled air in San Francisco once too often. Obviously Pelosi and her friends are looking for their next job, as comedy writers for SNL.
Stephan Frank's California Political News and Views

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