Sunday, September 14, 2014


By: Devvy Kidd
September 14, 2014

No one is required to obtain a social security number to live or work in these united States of America...

"The most common start to identity theft is for the perpetrator get hold of someone's Social Security number, which is part of the system used to record people's earnings for federal retirement benefits. Once a person takes a job in the U.S., the first thing his employer will likely ask for is his or her Social Security number...
The abuse of SSNs is rampant; federal law on the use of this number is being ignored wholesale by state agencies and the private sector. A social security number is to be used only for identification purposes regarding your social security account with SSA. Because so few Americans will take the time to read the law, they allow themselves to be herded by government Gestapo agencies into giving up their legal rights, all kissed and blessed by Congress and the White House. And, if you think that's bad, the IRS shares it's information with 150 foreign countries. A ticking time bomb loved by computer hackers working for criminals.

While some reforms have taken place in a handful of states, all across America citizens are still being forced to provide this easily stolen number for cable TV service, medical treatment, employment, credit cards and dozens of other goods and services by companies. All of it is unlawful. [Emphasis mine.]
Keep at your U.S. House rep and Senator: NO amnesty in any form. NO "pathway to citizenship" in any form. Deport, not reward.


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