Tuesday, September 16, 2014


1. Barack Obama’s tax return for 2009 posted on April 15 2010, showing him Illegally using SS# 042-68-4425 of Harry Bounel
2. Authentication affidavit of Linda Jordan and E-Verify report showing that 042-68-4425 was NEVER assigned to Obama,
AND WITH THE SUBMITTED Numbers “Records DO NOT verify”
3. SSNVS report showing that Barack Obama failed SSNVS check
and authentication of report by Colonel Greg Hollister
4. Affidavit of Albert Hendershot and Merlins
information systems report showing that Obama is Illegally using the Social Security number of Harry J Bounel !!
5. Affidavit by Licensed Investigator Susan Daniels showing Obama IS using invalid Social Security numbers
6. Affidavit by a senior Deportation officer John Sampson,
attesting that there is no legal basis for Obama to be using a Connecticut Social Security number.
7. Affidavit by Chief Investigator of special Investigations unit of
the US coast Guard stating that Obama’s alleged Selective Service Registration is a FORGERY with a fabricated postal stamp attached to it.
8. Stanley Ann Dunham’s (Obama’s mother’s) passport records showing Obama listed under the last name Soebarkah in his mother’s passport.
9. Affidavit of Honolulu county Senior Elections Clerk that no birth certificate for Barack Obama wasfound in any hospital in Hawaii
10 Statement by the James Orenga,minister of Lands of Kenya
relating to Obama ‘s birth in Kenya.
11. Obama’s biography submitted by Obama to his literary agent in 1991, stating that he was born in Kenya.
12. Affidavit of IT-expert Felicito Papa attesting to the fact that Obama’s alleged birth certificate is a 100% Forgery.
13. Affidavit of Scanning and copying machine expert Douglas Vogt
attesting to forgery in Obama’s birth certificate.
14. An article typesetting and printing expert Paul Irey
attesting to forgery in Obama’s birth certificate.
15 Affidavit if typesetting and typing machines expert Charles Coombs attesting to Proven forgery in Obama’s alleged birth certificate.
16. Affidavit by Sheriff Arpaio regarding forgeries in Obama’s IDs.
HAVE WE LET A Terrorist and enemy of the state in the White House?
?NOW According to school records from Indonesia, whorebama Soebarkah is a muslim, which explains why he traded top 5 muslim terrorists for a deserter,–Traitor, and muslim convert Bergdahl, while refusing to do the same for Christian Foley and Jewish Sotloff and threatening prosecution of Foley and Sotloff families if they pay ransom.

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