Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tales of the Left, 1969

From "Sunlight"...
The culture of death permeates the Left. I learned this at a young age.

In the spring of 1969 when I was a kid in high school I had a chance to meet a famous Leftist up close. It was Jerry Rubin of the Chicago 7, freshly famous from his disruption of the Democrat Party National Convention the previous summer. He was talking to a group of h.s. students, about a dozen of us. (I was curious about this nationally famous person.) He explained a new society where we could all share everything and get along in peace. I asked him straight on, what do we need to do to create this new thing? He answered me point blank, one on one, “Go home! Kill your parents! Burn down their house! Destroy theirs [sic] cars and all their money! After you’ve all done that, we can begin again. We can build a better world.”

Luckily for me I had a very wise and patient father who helped unscrew me.

Jerry Rubin had laid out the template for me in simplest terms. Control those who are born yesterday. Kill everybody else.

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