Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Obama admits: not a "natural born citizen"

From Leo Donofrio at Natural Born Citizen:
Obama’s own web site, Fight The Smears, which states – at this moment in time –
“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.”
“Governed”…he was governed by the UK at birth… his choice of words… one is governed by that which one owes allegiance to, in his case, the Monarchy of the UK, and this was a matter of both UK and US law. Furthermore, this argument has also been thoroughly discussed and debunked at this blog on multiple occasions…read the following

The State Department Has “Always” Recognized And Abided By Foreign Laws Concerning US Citizens Born With Dual Nationality.

The Jay Treaty Strongly Indicates That Obama Is Not Eligible To Be President.

Furthermore, read the following historical discussions on the issue from main stream media sources:

New York Tribune 1896: Those born of non-citizen parents may not be eligible for POTUS.

The Boston Globe: “native born” does not equal “natural born” for Presidential eligibility.


  1. "“Governed”…he was governed by the UK at birth… his choice of words…"

    Sorry, but you're twisting the meaning of the word "governed" in the context it is used. UK law governs whether BHO Jr. was a UK citizen by virtue of his father's Kenyan birth. The UK did not "govern" BHO Jr. personally, as he was on U.S. soil when he was born.

    What birthers don't understand is that under UK law, even if BHO Sr. had naturalized as a U.S. citizen before BHO Jr. was born, both BHO Sr. and BHO Jr. still would have been British citizens in addition to being U.S. citizens.

  2. "Birthers" believe that Obama was probably not born in Hawai. We are discussing a different issue here, the nbc (natural born citizen) issue. They are not the same.

    No "twisting" the meaning, just misunderstanding on your part and the answer is in attorney Leo Donofrio's post AND comments (especially the several he made in response to Ellen3's comments) which can be accessed here:


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