Thursday, October 28, 2010

A surprise in California???

Hugh Hewitt: So cut and paste that Times poll for future reference...
Whitman was indeed wounded among Latino voters by the Gloria Allred drive-by, but not fatally, and her powerful closing arguments in ads and earned media are resonating even as Jerry Brown has gone to ground in an effort to prevent more embarrassing gaffs in the closing 96 hours of the campaign.

Fiorina is also surging, assisted by a $3 million ad buy from the National Republican Senatorial Committee and even more by the deeply offensive visage of Barbara Boxer, forced to campaign openly for the first time in years, which makes every appearance into a reminder of her infamous "Please don't call me ma'am" meltdown. Fiorina's brief hospitalization for infection related to her reconstructive surgery last year following breast cancer did not lead to a halt in her momentum and may have even reminded a large swath of the electorate what a fighter she is, and what fighter California could use in the years ahead.

Helping morale in both Whitman and Fiorina camps are a series of polls from Congressional campaigns in deep blue districts...

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