Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pamela Geller's message to America

America is being tested in a way that she has never been tested before. America is under attack from within at the highest levels of power. Barack Hussein Obama’s policies are bringing America to her knees. With a consistency that can only come from deeply held conviction, Barack Hussein Obama is damaging the office of the presidency and compromising American sovereignty.

Domestically, Barack Obama despises capitalism and rugged individualism. Internationally, Barack Obama is enabling Iran’s Islamic bomb, is inveterately hostile to Israel, and generally appears intent on turning America’s historical enemies into friends and friends into enemies. His dream seems to be to turn America into something like the Indonesia of his youth or the Pakistan he visited as a college student: at best, just another country, unexceptional in any way.

Barack Obama has carefully distanced himself from any sign of patriotism or national pride throughout his political career and his presidency. In his mind, apparently, to be a forthright believer in American exceptionalism would be unfair, chauvinistic, maybe even bigoted. On Barack Obama’s playing field, there is no American exceptionalism. (The irony here, of course, is that his presidency would have been impossible without it.)

The idea of America is freedom and individual rights – a historical first. Ayn Rand articulated the essence of American exceptionalism when she wrote in a letter: “America’s founding ideal was the principle of individual rights. Nothing more – nothing less. The rest – everything America achieved, everything she became, everything ‘noble and just’ and heroic and great, and unprecedented in human history – was the logical consequence of fidelity to that one principle.” This is anathema to Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama is setting America on the path to ruin. His Congress must be removed next Tuesday. This is not a dress rehearsal; the future of the free world hangs in the balance.

America. Fight for her.


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