Monday, October 18, 2010

President "Empty" on depression meds

Washington D.C. insider reports:
So just how bad is the president’s depression? It is my understanding it is pretty bad.

Is he being treated? You will need to be more specific, do you mean by a doctor?

Yes. Well of course he is being treated. He’s the President of the United States.

What I mean specifically is medication. Is the president receiving medication for his depression? (Long pause) I believe…yes, I believe he is. I believe he has been for some time actually. As to something more specific, I do not know. Nor do I care to say.

Just to confirm then – it is your belief that President Obama is on anti-depression medication? Yes – that is what I just told you.

And you are ok with my printing that? Yeah, or I wouldn’t have told you. I see no shame in being treated for such a condition. I think it much better someone dealing with that kind of thing by getting proper treatment. It’s far better than the damn smoking.
White House Insider: Obama Battling Severe Depression

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