Monday, October 18, 2010

The dark, shameful history of Alfred Kinsey and the so-called "sexual revolution" in America.

Kinsey's 1948 and 1953 books on human sexual behavior contain tables of information about sexual responses in children as young as 2 months old. Several tables record how long the children needed to be stimulated to achieve "orgasm," and others record how many orgasms the children achieved in given periods of time...
I often wondered what happened when I was growing up and saw my safe, prosperous, wholesome environment start twisting and turning into something unrecognizable. All of a sudden "sex" was becoming an industry instead of just a private, personal natural function. Families were being torn apart by the "sexual revolution" and children were starting to experiment with street drugs in huge numbers. There was Hugh Hefner's invention--Playboy Magazine, the forerunner of many other publications to come. There was Peyton Place (the infamous book by Grace Metalious) and then the notorious television series Peyton Place starring Mia Farrow (who later became Woody Allen's wife). All this accompanied, of course, by Madalyn Murray O'Hair who's atheist activism deeply disturbed good people of faith like my Mom and Dad.

Not that I'm a prude...but due to progressives like Herbert Marcuse
who, despite having grown up in a comfortable middle-class Jewish neighborhood in Berlin, joined Germany's Social Democratic Party in 1917 and later emigrated to the United States full of socialist dreams of sexual, gay, and economic liberation for the masses. These people have seriously damaged the greatest and freest nation in history.

The roots of this phenomenon can be traced to a little known movement transplanted from 1930's Germany to the United States called the Frankfurt School. The principle advocates were Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer and Walter Benjamin.

Thanks in part to World Net Daily, we are going to start finding out more about who these people really were and what they did to our country:
Editor's note: The following report is part of WND's ongoing, multipart investigation into alleged crimes committed by sex-research pioneer Alfred Kinsey and his Kinsey Institute.
Stunner! Kinsey paid my father to rape me

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