Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My day at the range...

Well, I finally did it! An experienced ex-Army friend of ours took us to the shooting range today and taught me how to shoot (my husband had two previous head-starts alone with him before today).

Was hoping to include some pictures, but we brought a camera with too low a battery charge unfortuneately.

Turns out, I'm a natural sharp-shooter!

Tried two guns, a 38 something-or-other and a semi-auto (when you shove in that magazine, makes you feel like Jack Bauer)...hit the kill zone every time and the black center of the target most of the time, bulls-eye once.

Needless to say, it's only been in the last year or so that I've felt a compelling need to learn how to defend myself. Watching the country descend into fascism really wakes you up.

Further reports to come (and some pictures too)...

Just call me Annie Oakley (unless you're too young to know who she was).

1 comment:

~~Robert said...

Linda, you are so funny!

A .38 something-or-other is AKA a ."38 Special."

I remember Annie Oakley. Annie was a friend of mine. No--wait--maybe it was 'Annabelle' Oakley. Yeah. She couldn't hit the side of a barn if she were inside.

Well, sounds like you had, all in all, a BIG day!
