Monday, April 26, 2010

Did Obama commit a "class C" felony?

If a friend or acquaintance posed the question: "Who uses someone else's Social Security number?" how would you answer them? (I was going to say who uses a phony Social Security number, but since Uncle Sam is now recycling Social Security numbers because they are close to running out of them, just about any combination of numbers you put together today will be someone's Social Security number.) Most likely the first thought that would come to your mind when asked that question would be: "An illegal alien." Second would be someone intent on committing identity fraud, since having access to a person's name and Social Security number is like getting the key to their assets. That's why identify theft is a class C felony. Class C felonies, depending on the State in which the crime is committed, carries prison sentences from 10 up to 40 years. In other words, using someone else's Social Security number in order to conceal your own identity or lack of standing as a citizen, is a serious crime although most illegal aliens who are caught using someone else's Social Security number are simply deported.

But what do you do if the guy living in the White House uses Social Security number 042-68-XXXX that was actually issued in the State of Connecticut between 1977 and 1979 to an individual who was born in 1890? Interestingly, the SSN does not appear in the Social Security death index and now has two dates of birth tied to it: Aug. 4, 1961 and the year 1890. As a US Senator, this man used an entirely different Social Security number—282-90-XXXX. It should have been pretty easy for the federal government's paymaster to flag this one since this is the best known person in America. The latter Social Security number was used by Sen. Barack Hussein Obama and the former one was used by Obama when he moved to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. No one in the federal government or, for that matter, in the Social Security Administration seemed to notice the slight discrepancy. A guy with the same name in the Oval Office and the Hart Office Building were using different SSN numbers? Is there a bureaucrat anywhere in Washington, DC who thinks there are two Barack Obama's running around Washington? Okay. It's possible. But, not in the US government—one in the Senate and one in the White House. If there was, everyone in the country would know that. But I guess it would be possible to have "name coincidence" in the District. But, how about 27 of them all named Barack Hussein Obama? That's not like being named John Smith where you have a couple dozen in every phone book in America.

Or that his wife, Michelle Obama, who is a natural born US citizen, has used at least four false SSNs?
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