Monday, April 26, 2010

Arizona's new immigration law: Not all illegals are Mexicans

12-14 Americans will die today at the hands of an illegal. Perhaps it will be you in the wrong place at the wrong time. Either driving drunk, during a robbery or rape, more Americans WILL die today because of an illegal alien.


  1. Children are Watching

    by stopdainsanity2

    When I entered kindergarten – I was put into a class for the mentally retarded. Because my skin was brown my teacher assumed I did not speak English and required special bilingual support which was not available at the time. Yes – I was a Mexican-American citizen child AND I spoke English.

    It literally took 2 weeks for my parents to force the school to place me in the mainstream kindergarten class — even though I could respond to questions in English. At the time if was easier for frustrated- overworked teachers (not bad people) to send me to the special needs class – no questions asked – based on my skin color. Although the error was corrected, as a child I never lost the feeling I was not welcomed and somehow my rights as a citizen were not equal to those of white americans. Be careful – children are watching.

  2. Your story has nothing to do with the fact that there are immigration laws in America already on the books that are not being enforced. BTW, there is "nothing in the law authorizes stopping people because of their skin color."
