Friday, September 04, 2009

Obama's speech: White as Snowe

In my book, this is called a TROJAN HORSE:
The White House is holding intensive talks with Maine Sen. Olympia Snowe, a moderate Republican, about Ms. Snowe's proposal to use the public plan as a fallback option, aides familiar with the conversations said.

The overhaul under discussion would include a requirement for most individuals to buy insurance; a federally operated exchange where individuals and small businesses could buy insurance; and tax credits to help people buy plans. Ms. Snowe believes that is enough to create a competitive market that drives down prices.

But if prices don't fall by a certain percentage and coverage doesn't expand beyond 95% in a given state after a time, the plan would call for adding a government insurance option to that state's choices, according to the aides familiar with the White House conversations.
Obama Relaunches Health Bid

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