Thursday, September 03, 2009

Obama's Katrina

Glenn Beck did a segment that included this last affects everyone because of what it's going to do to food prices. It's also one of the best examples of why you DON'T want government to be big, controlling, or instrusive...this will break your heart with it's hair-pulling, inhumanity!
The issue now turns to the Obama Administration and the courts, though the farmers have so far found scant hope for relief from the White House. In June, the Administration denied the governor's request to designate California a federal disaster area as a result of the drought conditions, which U.S. Drought Monitor currently lists as a "severe drought" in 43% of the state. Doing so would force the Administration to acknowledge awkward questions about the role its own environmental policies have played in scorching the Earth.
California's Man-Made Drought

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