Sunday, September 06, 2009

Is Obama Going To Nationalize 401k Plans?

I've started developing an Obamanation hair-trigger response system and my red alerts buttons started flashing when I saw this at Politico today:

Obama: Plan for upping savings rate

It didn't take but a minute to find this:

Democrats in the U.S. House have been conducting hearings on proposals to confiscate workers’ personal retirement accounts — including 401(k)s and IRAs — and convert them to accounts managed by the Social Security Administration

And this:

This proposal is in the 2010 Budget and may be a start of a Government take over of the American 401k and Retirement Account system. Obama is giving retirement, IRA, and 401k savers something to monitor closely. . .As you can see. Your 401k plan offers you a drastically higher return than Obama would give you at 3%. The nationalization of the nations retirement system could cost you a pretty penny.

It's not JUST Obama that's the problem. It's the whole machine behind him funded by George Soros. They've hijacked the old Democratic Party and, believe me, they will not stop until every last thing you own (including your children) belong to them. Get them all out now if you want any kind of freedom and automony in your lives.

1 comment:

  1. To answer your question, no. that is not the plan. If the question is asked this way: Will Obama create retirement investors of all of those who do not have an account and add the same type of incentives that employers have tried but failed to do in the hopes of giving working Americans something for the future even if it is only 3%? Then te answer is yes.

    Think it through. No plan for 75 million workers compared to some plan for 75 million workers.
