Sunday, September 06, 2009

Is John Mackey really evil?

I just happened to see this link on Drudge: "Capitalism Is Evil," says new Michael Moore film and it got me started thinking about the CEO and founder of Whole Foods Market John Mackey.

I love Whole Foods and have shopped there for many years. In fact, when I used to work at Universal Studios (I was there for a total of 16 years) I had once thought of moving to an apartment in Sherman Oaks within walking distance of the market (this was sometime around 1982-1986). Since my husband was recently put on a gluten-free diet, we shop there even more!

Anyway, I discovered that Mr. Mackey has been a fan of Ayn Rand as I was, In fact, I read "Atlas Shrugged" four times in the 1960's. And, I used to be a libertarian as he once was (I even ran for California State Senate as a Libertarian in 1998).

Now, if you read the following interview from several years ago, you will see a very thoughtful man who does not limit himself the way Michael Moore does. Instead of wasting his time and money on angry, hateful, finger-pointing and non-productive endeavors, Mr. Mackey provides a wonderful, healthful resource for people (especially those with special diet and health needs) and treats his customers and employees and business partners with dignity and respect. OMG! Doesn't that violate the whole radical left thing? You know, the one that needs to change the WHOLE system because this country is so rotten?

Interview with Whole Foods’ John Mackey

April 2, 2006
We’ve mentioned before that Whole Foods CEO John Mackey is a fan of Ayn Rand’s novels. Today I stumbled across an interview with Mackey (actually, because the interviewer had linked to our blog) from last year.

In the interview, Mackey discusses his enjoyment of Ayn Rand’s writings, his experiences with libertarians, and why he no longer considers himself a libertarian, per se.
And don't forget Mr. Mackey's creative contribution to the healthcare debate (you know, the ideas that made those "tolerant" leftists start a boycott against the market) The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare

In a sane world, Mr. Mackey would be considered a shining example of what Capitalism offers to a free and productive society. But in the hate-filled world of the radical left (who have infected the Democratic Party) he is the enemy.

God help us all.

1 comment:

  1. Well, Mackey sounds like a real American.

    But, Michael Moore needs to get on a food-free diet. And make only silent movies. Very silent.

    He could end hunger in Somalia by sending over his breakfast and lunch each day.

