Saturday, August 01, 2009

With government-run health care, there will no longer be a doctor-patient relationship. There will be a patient-government relationship.

"Why ObamaCare is likely to make practicing medicine effectively joyless and in some cases, impossible:"
With government-run health care, there will no longer be a doctor-patient relationship. There will be a patient-government relationship. And the irony will be this: patients will still hunger for that unfettered relationship, so they’ll pay cash out of their own pocket to get it while being beholden to the government through oppressive taxation to fund this new, vast entitlement. Patients could, and do, pay cash now for care without the tax burden.

Not only is bartering, taking cash, or otherwise meeting a patient’s needs charitably more satisfying for doctors and patients, it costs everyone far less. Doctors want a relationship with their patients. They don’t want more government invasion. Should the government control health care, the doctor-patient relationship will be altered forever and not for the better.
When the Government Is in the Exam Room, It’s Bad for Doctor and Patient

HAT TIP: InstaPundit

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