Saturday, August 01, 2009

Certifigate: OMG! Where’s the Transparency, Mr. President?

“For nothing is hid that shall not be made manifest, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light.” Luke 8:17
The chattering class may be coming around to that “OMG” moment that Rev. Sam Sewell originally wrote about back in April: “I have nothing to hide but I’m hiding it.” Or, as I’ve been promulgating since I started this blog, individuals are beginning to question the fundamental premise of eligibility, not that it’s solely encapsulated within a piece of paper called a birth certificate or even a certification of live birth (though we certainly shouldn’t impugn these records, for what they’re worth).

This is a constitutional issue enshrined under the auspices of what most Americans have conventionally taken so much for granted — the transparency of those individuals who have ever been ambitious enough to seek the highest office in the United States. In short, the willingness on the part of our leaders to be thoroughly examined. And as we’ve seen through the myriad postings and commentary not only on this site but on many others, simply because there is no legal requirement to enforce such transparency does not mean that there’s no fundamental right of the People to question their leaders for a full and fair examination of those individuals’ backgrounds.

While I have been documenting many instances where the chattering class and others have tenaciously castigated those of us who question this President’s eligibility in particular and background in general, evidence is beginning to appear that maybe such questions aren’t completely … “fringe.”
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