Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Why Are Reporters Pretending They Don't Know Obama Will Raise Taxes on the Middle Class?

Because he's cute? Because they (Chris Matthews) get a tingle up their collectivist legs? Because they are guilty white men? Because...
But while liberal reporters and pundits debate the coming tax hikes -- usually in private and in secret -- their public announcements tend to simply repeat Obama's claim that he's not raising taxes on anyone -- "not a dime" from any sort of tax -- except the top 5% of earners.

Which they know is completely false.

What they say to the public -- scoffing at the Tea Party rebels for protesting tax-hikes that, supposedly, do not exist and never will -- is in complete contradiction to what they actually know -- know -- is underfoot and on Obama's agenda.

It's an open secret that Obama is going to raise taxes on the middle class. Every liberal in the press corps knows this.
Read the whole thing!

HAT TIP: The Jawa Report

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