Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Make it clear: Freedom vs. Slavery; Individualism vs. Socialism

Sultan Knish states that "in 2010 and 2012, the battle will be joined:"
A Slaveholding economy or a Socialist economy cannot co-exist for long with a free system. They must naturally consume and expand to survive. And Socialism, the modern day slavery, is quickly expanding across America. And we cannot long survive as a mix of free states and slave states.

Obama's election is a decisive wake up call in that regard. A statement that America is to be a slave nation, its population taxed into poverty, its corporations turned into corrupt government fiefdoms, its freedoms tightly regulated and curtailed. The contest for the future depends on making clear the choice between Freedom and Slavery, between Individualism and Socialism. The fate of America and the future depends on it.
Can we, as a nation, continue together permanently—forever—half slave, and half free? --Abraham Lincoln, 1855

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